How Does SPD Affect a Child?

When Sensory Process Disorder kids receive information from any of their eight senses (Yes! Eight!), their brains don’t quite know what to do with it. They become disorganized and confused, sometimes overreacting or underreacting to the sensory input.


Depending on what senses are involved, the child may have difficulty with things that come naturally to other kids — dressing, eating, falling and staying asleep, transitioning from one activity to another, making friends, and many other daily activities.

“Sensational” kids tend to have trouble with fine and gross motor skills and self-regulation — the ability to calm yourself down when you are upset — which makes it harder for them to function at school, in public, and even at home (sometimes especially at home!). Not surprisingly, they tend to suffer from low self-esteem and are at higher risk for developing social, emotional, and academic problems.